Woke up today no problem knowing Popoyo is going off. We show up and of course the waves were wild, lef that pitched hard at the entry and then opened up to be a un-real long ride. The off-shore wind today was blowing crazy.....Imagine the most wild closeout dropping in and it not closing out...!
So this was a nice treat to find on the random, and most perfect lilikoi! mmm!
The waves started to get small so i decided to take a break and snap a few shots...!
This is basically how we roll! The beach is empty and the reef is trippy and ooooops,......the truck is stuck haha...! Got it out.!
Perfect way to end the day sipping Tonas and eating....Im really breaking the bank two Tonas (beer) and a huge filet Minon dinner ....about $11. Only because its at the nicest place by popoyo.......might be too perfect!
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