Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mostic Inc - Nicaragua 2011 w/ Sean Bailey

 As always we started the day very early and drove to a nice empty beach with... wouldnt you know it barrels and no body around.......
 Ok so a few people around, here is the only traffic we had to deal with....."Total Gridlock Mon"
We were talking to the old man that operates this fine piece of machinery and we asked how calm these animals  were and he reaches down and juggles its nut sack...and say Muy ............are you kidding me.!
 Stoked as could be just to kick it with us on the beach....Of course i had to Mostic up their ride..!
 I really dont know why...but i was kinda stoked to break my board, i have had for a long time now, it was so water logged ad heavy and it has many has surfed Oahu,Big Island,California,NC, and behind a boat in a lake..who knew it would die in Nicaragua...i guess its what boards hope for...the land of barrels!
 It was our turn on the back of the truck, AWESOME crusing down the beach with nobody anywhere except a few locals and a bull or two and great waves everywhere!
 Ding repair shop......
This has been our breakfast, we have a sweet lil spot near popoyo..kinda pricey about $2.50, complete surfer fuel.... Nicaragua is RAD

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